training_data#> # A tibble: 4,000 × 3
#> product review score
#> <chr> <chr> <fct>
#> 1 B000J0LSBG "this stuff is not stuffing its not good at all save yo… other
#> 2 B000EYLDYE "I absolutely LOVE this dried fruit. LOVE IT. Whenever I … great
#> 3 B0026LIO9A "GREAT DEAL, CONVENIENT TOO. Much cheaper than WalMart and… great
#> 4 B00473P8SK "Great flavor, we go through a ton of this sauce! I discove… great
#> 5 B001SAWTNM "This is excellent salsa/hot sauce, but you can get it for … great
#> 6 B000FAG90U "Again, this is the best dogfood out there. One suggestion… great
#> 7 B006BXTCEK "The box I received was filled with teas, hot chocolates, a… other
#> 8 B002GWH5OY "This is delicious coffee which compares favorably with muc… great
#> 9 B003R0MFYY "Don't let these little tiny cans fool you. They pack a lo… great
#> 10 B001EO5ZXI "One of the nicest, smoothest cup of chai I've made. Nice m… great
#> # ℹ 3,990 more rows
Tuning text models
Prepare text data for predictive modeling and tune with both grid and iterative search.
To use code in this article, you will need to install the following packages: stopwords, textrecipes, and tidymodels.
This article demonstrates an advanced example for training and tuning models for text data. Text data must be processed and transformed to a numeric representation to be ready for computation in modeling; in tidymodels, we use a recipe for this preprocessing. This article also shows how to extract information from each model fit during tuning to use later on.
Text as data
The text data we’ll use in this article are from Amazon:
This dataset consists of reviews of fine foods from amazon. The data span a period of more than 10 years, including all ~500,000 reviews up to October 2012. Reviews include product and user information, ratings, and a plaintext review.
This article uses a small subset of the total reviews available at the original source. We sampled a single review from 5,000 random products and allocated 80% of these data to the training set, with the remaining 1,000 reviews held out for the test set.
There is a column for the product, a column for the text of the review, and a factor column for the outcome variable. The outcome is whether the reviewer gave the product a five-star rating or not.
Our modeling goal is to create modeling features from the text of the reviews to predict whether the review was five-star or not.
Inputs for the search
Text, perhaps more so than tabular data we often deal with, must be heavily processed to be used as predictor data for modeling. There are multiple ways to process and prepare text for modeling; let’s add several steps together to create different kinds of features:
Create an initial set of count-based features, such as the number of words, spaces, lower- or uppercase characters, URLs, and so on; we can use the step_textfeatures() fun for this.
Tokenize the text (i.e. break the text into smaller components such as words).
Remove stop words such as “the”, “an”, “of”, etc.
Stem tokens to a common root where possible.
Convert tokens to dummy variables via a unsigned, binary hash function.
Optionally transform non-token features (the count-based features like number of lowercase characters) to a more symmetric state using a Yeo-Johnson transformation.
Remove predictors with a single distinct value.
Center and scale all predictors.
We will end up with two kinds of features:
- dummy/indicator variables for the count-based features like number of digits or punctuation characters
- hash features for the tokens like “salsa” or “delicious”.
Some of these preprocessing steps (such as stemming) may or may not be good ideas but a full discussion of their effects is beyond the scope of this article. In this preprocessing approach, the main tuning parameter is the number of hashing features to use.
Before we start building our preprocessing recipe, we need some helper objects. For example, for the Yeo-Johnson transformation, we need to know the set of count-based text features:
<- names(textrecipes::count_functions)
basics head(basics)
#> [1] "n_words" "n_uq_words" "n_charS" "n_uq_charS" "n_digits"
#> [6] "n_hashtags"
Since we will be using a glmnet model which is sparse compatible then we will set sparse = "yes"
in step_texthash()
as we know it will produce plenty of sparse data. In this example, it will lead to a 4 times speed increase.
Now, let’s put this all together in one recipe:
pre_proc recipe(score ~ product + review, data = training_data) %>%
# Do not use the product ID as a predictor
update_role(product, new_role = "id") %>%
# Make a copy of the raw text
step_mutate(review_raw = review) %>%
# Compute the initial features. This removes the `review_raw` column
step_textfeature(review_raw) %>%
# Make the feature names shorter
fn = ~ gsub("textfeature_review_raw_", "", .)
) step_tokenize(review) %>%
step_stopwords(review) %>%
step_stem(review) %>%
# Here is where the tuning parameter is declared
step_texthash(review, signed = FALSE, num_terms = tune(), sparse = "yes") %>%
# Simplify these names
step_rename_at(starts_with("review_hash"), fn = ~ gsub("review_", "", .)) %>%
# Transform the initial feature set
step_YeoJohnson(one_of(!!basics)) %>%
step_zv(all_predictors()) %>%
Note that, when objects from the global environment are used, they are injected into the step objects via !!
. For some parallel processing technologies, these objects may not be found by the worker processes.
The preprocessing recipe is long and complex (often typical for working with text data) but the model we’ll use is more straightforward. Let’s stick with a regularized logistic regression model:
lr_mod logistic_reg(penalty = tune(), mixture = tune()) %>%
There are three tuning parameters for this data analysis:
, the number of feature hash variables to createpenalty
, the amount of regularization for the modelmixture
, the proportion of L1 regularization
There is enough data here so that 5-fold resampling would hold out 800 reviews at a time to estimate performance. Performance estimates using this many observations have sufficiently low noise to measure and tune models.
<- vfold_cv(training_data, v = 5)
folds#> # 5-fold cross-validation
#> # A tibble: 5 × 2
#> splits id
#> <list> <chr>
#> 1 <split [3200/800]> Fold1
#> 2 <split [3200/800]> Fold2
#> 3 <split [3200/800]> Fold3
#> 4 <split [3200/800]> Fold4
#> 5 <split [3200/800]> Fold5
Grid search
Let’s begin our tuning with grid search and a regular grid. For glmnet models, evaluating penalty values is fairly cheap because of the use of the “submodel-trick”. The grid will use 20 penalty values, 5 mixture values, and 3 values for the number of hash features.
five_star_grid crossing(
penalty = 10^seq(-3, 0, length = 20),
mixture = c(0.01, 0.25, 0.50, 0.75, 1),
num_terms = 2^c(8, 10, 12)
five_star_grid#> # A tibble: 300 × 3
#> penalty mixture num_terms
#> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>
#> 1 0.001 0.01 256
#> 2 0.001 0.01 1024
#> 3 0.001 0.01 4096
#> 4 0.001 0.25 256
#> 5 0.001 0.25 1024
#> 6 0.001 0.25 4096
#> 7 0.001 0.5 256
#> 8 0.001 0.5 1024
#> 9 0.001 0.5 4096
#> 10 0.001 0.75 256
#> # ℹ 290 more rows
Note that, for each resample, the (computationally expensive) text preprocessing recipe is only prepped 6 times. This increases the efficiency of the analysis by avoiding redundant work.
Let’s save information on the number of predictors by penalty value for each glmnet model. This can help us understand how many features were used across the penalty values. Use an extraction function to do this:
<- function(x) {
glmnet_vars # `x` will be a workflow object
<- extract_fit_engine(x)
mod # `df` is the number of model terms for each penalty value
tibble(penalty = mod$lambda, num_vars = mod$df)
<- control_grid(extract = glmnet_vars, verbose = TRUE) ctrl
Finally, let’s run the grid search:
<- metric_set(roc_auc)
five_star_glmnet tune_grid(
pre_proc, resamples = folds,
grid = five_star_grid,
metrics = roc_scores,
control = ctrl
tictoc#> 20.72 sec elapsed
five_star_glmnet#> # Tuning results
#> # 5-fold cross-validation
#> # A tibble: 5 × 5
#> splits id .metrics .notes .extracts
#> <list> <chr> <list> <list> <list>
#> 1 <split [3200/800]> Fold1 <tibble [300 × 7]> <tibble [0 × 3]> <tibble>
#> 2 <split [3200/800]> Fold2 <tibble [300 × 7]> <tibble [0 × 3]> <tibble>
#> 3 <split [3200/800]> Fold3 <tibble [300 × 7]> <tibble [0 × 3]> <tibble>
#> 4 <split [3200/800]> Fold4 <tibble [300 × 7]> <tibble [0 × 3]> <tibble>
#> 5 <split [3200/800]> Fold5 <tibble [300 × 7]> <tibble [0 × 3]> <tibble>
What do the results look like? Let’s get the resampling estimates of the area under the ROC curve for each tuning parameter:
grid_roc collect_metrics(five_star_glmnet) %>%
grid_roc#> # A tibble: 300 × 9
#> penalty mixture num_terms .metric .estimator mean n std_err .config
#> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <chr> <chr> <dbl> <int> <dbl> <chr>
#> 1 0.483 0.01 4096 roc_auc binary 0.800 5 0.00580 Preprocesso…
#> 2 0.695 0.01 4096 roc_auc binary 0.799 5 0.00650 Preprocesso…
#> 3 0.336 0.01 4096 roc_auc binary 0.798 5 0.00490 Preprocesso…
#> 4 0.0264 0.25 4096 roc_auc binary 0.796 5 0.00221 Preprocesso…
#> 5 0.234 0.01 4096 roc_auc binary 0.795 5 0.00459 Preprocesso…
#> 6 0.0379 0.25 4096 roc_auc binary 0.794 5 0.00363 Preprocesso…
#> 7 0.0546 0.25 4096 roc_auc binary 0.794 5 0.00621 Preprocesso…
#> 8 0.0127 0.5 4096 roc_auc binary 0.794 5 0.00209 Preprocesso…
#> 9 0.0183 0.5 4096 roc_auc binary 0.793 5 0.00316 Preprocesso…
#> 10 0.00886 0.75 4096 roc_auc binary 0.793 5 0.00209 Preprocesso…
#> # ℹ 290 more rows
The best results have a fairly high penalty value and focus on the ridge penalty (i.e. no feature selection via the lasso’s L1 penalty). The best solutions also use the largest number of hashing features.
What is the relationship between performance and the tuning parameters?
autoplot(five_star_glmnet, metric = "roc_auc")
We can definitely see that performance improves with the number of features included. In this article, we’ve used a small sample of the overall data set available. When more data are used, an even larger feature set is optimal.
The profiles with larger mixture values (greater than 0.01) have steep drop-offs in performance. What’s that about? Those are cases where the lasso penalty is removing too many (and perhaps all) features from the model.
The panel with at least 4096 features shows that there are several parameter combinations that have about the same performance; there isn’t much difference between the best performance for the different mixture values. A case could be made that we should choose a larger mixture value and a smaller penalty to select a simpler model that contains fewer predictors.
If more experimentation were conducted, a larger set of features (more than 4096) should also be considered.
We’ll come back to the extracted glmnet components at the end of this article.
Directed search
What if we had started with Bayesian optimization? Would a good set of conditions have been found more efficiently?
Let’s pretend that we haven’t seen the grid search results. We’ll initialize the Gaussian process model with five tuning parameter combinations chosen with a space-filling design.
It might be good to use a custom dials
object for the number of hash terms. The default object, num_terms()
, uses a linear range and tries to set the upper bound of the parameter using the data. Instead, let’s create a parameter set, change the scale to be log2
, and define the same range as was used in grid search.
<- num_terms(c(8, 12), trans = log2_trans())
hash_range#> # Model Terms (quantitative)
#> Transformer: log-2 [1e-100, Inf]
#> Range (transformed scale): [8, 12]
To use this, we have to merge the recipe and parsnip
model object into a workflow:
five_star_wflow workflow() %>%
add_recipe(pre_proc) %>%
Then we can extract and manipulate the corresponding parameter set:
five_star_set %>%
five_star_wflow parameters() %>%
num_terms = hash_range,
penalty = penalty(c(-3, 0)),
mixture = mixture(c(0.05, 1.00))
)#> Warning: `parameters.workflow()` was deprecated in tune
#> ℹ Please use `hardhat::extract_parameter_set_dials()` instead.
This is passed to the search function via the param_info
The initial rounds of search can be biased more towards exploration of the parameter space (as opposed to staying near the current best results). If expected improvement is used as the acquisition function, the trade-off value can be slowly moved from exploration to exploitation over iterations (see the tune vignette on acquisition functions for more details). The tune package has a built-in function called expo_decay()
that can help accomplish this:
<- function(iter) {
trade_off_decay expo_decay(iter, start_val = .01, limit_val = 0, slope = 1/4)
Using these values, let’s run the search:
five_star_search tune_bayes(
five_star_wflow, resamples = folds,
param_info = five_star_set,
initial = 5,
iter = 10,
metrics = roc_scores,
objective = exp_improve(trade_off_decay),
control = control_bayes(verbose_iter = TRUE)
)#> Optimizing roc_auc using the expected improvement with variable trade-off
#> values.
#> ── Iteration 1 ───────────────────────────────────────────────────────
#> i Current best: roc_auc=0.7822 (@iter 0)
#> i Gaussian process model
#> ✓ Gaussian process model
#> i Generating 5000 candidates
#> i Predicted candidates
#> i Trade-off value: 0.01
#> i penalty=0.00474, mixture=0.0526, num_terms=1028
#> i Estimating performance
#> ✓ Estimating performance
#> ⓧ Newest results: roc_auc=0.7292 (+/-0.00722)
#> ── Iteration 2 ───────────────────────────────────────────────────────
#> i Current best: roc_auc=0.7822 (@iter 0)
#> i Gaussian process model
#> ✓ Gaussian process model
#> i Generating 5000 candidates
#> i Predicted candidates
#> i Trade-off value: 0.007788
#> i penalty=0.0195, mixture=0.617, num_terms=1449
#> i Estimating performance
#> ✓ Estimating performance
#> ⓧ Newest results: roc_auc=0.7818 (+/-0.00711)
#> ── Iteration 3 ───────────────────────────────────────────────────────
#> i Current best: roc_auc=0.7822 (@iter 0)
#> i Gaussian process model
#> ✓ Gaussian process model
#> i Generating 5000 candidates
#> i Predicted candidates
#> i Trade-off value: 0.006065
#> i penalty=0.014, mixture=0.567, num_terms=3242
#> i Estimating performance
#> ✓ Estimating performance
#> ♥ Newest results: roc_auc=0.7996 (+/-0.00675)
#> ── Iteration 4 ───────────────────────────────────────────────────────
#> i Current best: roc_auc=0.7996 (@iter 3)
#> i Gaussian process model
#> ✓ Gaussian process model
#> i Generating 5000 candidates
#> i Predicted candidates
#> i Trade-off value: 0.004724
#> i penalty=0.00627, mixture=0.582, num_terms=856
#> i Estimating performance
#> ✓ Estimating performance
#> ⓧ Newest results: roc_auc=0.7485 (+/-0.00868)
#> ── Iteration 5 ───────────────────────────────────────────────────────
#> i Current best: roc_auc=0.7996 (@iter 3)
#> i Gaussian process model
#> ✓ Gaussian process model
#> i Generating 5000 candidates
#> i Predicted candidates
#> i Trade-off value: 0.003679
#> i penalty=0.0139, mixture=0.901, num_terms=3868
#> i Estimating performance
#> ✓ Estimating performance
#> ⓧ Newest results: roc_auc=0.7932 (+/-0.00739)
#> ── Iteration 6 ───────────────────────────────────────────────────────
#> i Current best: roc_auc=0.7996 (@iter 3)
#> i Gaussian process model
#> ✓ Gaussian process model
#> i Generating 5000 candidates
#> i Predicted candidates
#> i Trade-off value: 0.002865
#> i penalty=0.0192, mixture=0.204, num_terms=3944
#> i Estimating performance
#> ✓ Estimating performance
#> ♥ Newest results: roc_auc=0.8002 (+/-0.00325)
#> ── Iteration 7 ───────────────────────────────────────────────────────
#> i Current best: roc_auc=0.8002 (@iter 6)
#> i Gaussian process model
#> ✓ Gaussian process model
#> i Generating 5000 candidates
#> i Predicted candidates
#> i Trade-off value: 0.002231
#> i penalty=0.0124, mixture=0.309, num_terms=4046
#> i Estimating performance
#> ✓ Estimating performance
#> ♥ Newest results: roc_auc=0.8022 (+/-0.00627)
#> ── Iteration 8 ───────────────────────────────────────────────────────
#> i Current best: roc_auc=0.8022 (@iter 7)
#> i Gaussian process model
#> ✓ Gaussian process model
#> i Generating 5000 candidates
#> i Predicted candidates
#> i Trade-off value: 0.001738
#> i penalty=0.00108, mixture=0.993, num_terms=3844
#> i Estimating performance
#> ✓ Estimating performance
#> ⓧ Newest results: roc_auc=0.7627 (+/-0.00625)
#> ── Iteration 9 ───────────────────────────────────────────────────────
#> i Current best: roc_auc=0.8022 (@iter 7)
#> i Gaussian process model
#> ✓ Gaussian process model
#> i Generating 5000 candidates
#> i Predicted candidates
#> i Trade-off value: 0.001353
#> i penalty=0.0137, mixture=0.465, num_terms=3898
#> i Estimating performance
#> ✓ Estimating performance
#> ⓧ Newest results: roc_auc=0.7957 (+/-0.00844)
#> ── Iteration 10 ──────────────────────────────────────────────────────
#> i Current best: roc_auc=0.8022 (@iter 7)
#> i Gaussian process model
#> ✓ Gaussian process model
#> i Generating 5000 candidates
#> i Predicted candidates
#> i Trade-off value: 0.001054
#> i penalty=0.0161, mixture=0.0983, num_terms=3184
#> i Estimating performance
#> ✓ Estimating performance
#> ⓧ Newest results: roc_auc=0.7748 (+/-0.00516)
five_star_search#> # Tuning results
#> # 5-fold cross-validation
#> # A tibble: 55 × 5
#> splits id .metrics .notes .iter
#> <list> <chr> <list> <list> <int>
#> 1 <split [3200/800]> Fold1 <tibble [5 × 7]> <tibble [0 × 3]> 0
#> 2 <split [3200/800]> Fold2 <tibble [5 × 7]> <tibble [0 × 3]> 0
#> 3 <split [3200/800]> Fold3 <tibble [5 × 7]> <tibble [0 × 3]> 0
#> 4 <split [3200/800]> Fold4 <tibble [5 × 7]> <tibble [0 × 3]> 0
#> 5 <split [3200/800]> Fold5 <tibble [5 × 7]> <tibble [0 × 3]> 0
#> 6 <split [3200/800]> Fold1 <tibble [1 × 7]> <tibble [0 × 3]> 1
#> 7 <split [3200/800]> Fold2 <tibble [1 × 7]> <tibble [0 × 3]> 1
#> 8 <split [3200/800]> Fold3 <tibble [1 × 7]> <tibble [0 × 3]> 1
#> 9 <split [3200/800]> Fold4 <tibble [1 × 7]> <tibble [0 × 3]> 1
#> 10 <split [3200/800]> Fold5 <tibble [1 × 7]> <tibble [0 × 3]> 1
#> # ℹ 45 more rows
These results show some improvement over the initial set. One issue is that so many settings are sub-optimal (as shown in the plot above for grid search) so there are poor results periodically. There are regions where the penalty parameter becomes too large and all of the predictors are removed from the model. These regions are also dependent on the number of terms. There is a fairly narrow ridge (sorry, pun intended!) where good performance can be achieved. Using more iterations would probably result in the search finding better results. Let’s look at a plot of model performance versus the search iterations:
autoplot(five_star_search, type = "performance")
What would we do if we knew about the grid search results and wanted to try directed, iterative search? We would restrict the range for the number of hash features to be larger (especially with more data). We might also restrict the penalty and mixture parameters to have a lower upper bound.
Extracted results
Let’s return to the grid search results and examine the results of our extract
function. For each fitted model, a tibble was saved that contains the relationship between the number of predictors and the penalty value. Let’s look at these results for the best model:
<- select_best(five_star_glmnet, metric = "roc_auc")
params#> # A tibble: 1 × 4
#> penalty mixture num_terms .config
#> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <chr>
#> 1 0.483 0.01 4096 Preprocessor3_Model018
Recall that we saved the glmnet results in a tibble. The column five_star_glmnet$.extracts
is a list of tibbles. As an example, the first element of the list is:
five_star_glmnet#> # A tibble: 300 × 5
#> num_terms penalty mixture .extracts .config
#> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <list> <chr>
#> 1 256 1 0.01 <tibble [100 × 2]> Preprocessor1_Model001
#> 2 256 1 0.01 <tibble [100 × 2]> Preprocessor1_Model002
#> 3 256 1 0.01 <tibble [100 × 2]> Preprocessor1_Model003
#> 4 256 1 0.01 <tibble [100 × 2]> Preprocessor1_Model004
#> 5 256 1 0.01 <tibble [100 × 2]> Preprocessor1_Model005
#> 6 256 1 0.01 <tibble [100 × 2]> Preprocessor1_Model006
#> 7 256 1 0.01 <tibble [100 × 2]> Preprocessor1_Model007
#> 8 256 1 0.01 <tibble [100 × 2]> Preprocessor1_Model008
#> 9 256 1 0.01 <tibble [100 × 2]> Preprocessor1_Model009
#> 10 256 1 0.01 <tibble [100 × 2]> Preprocessor1_Model010
#> # ℹ 290 more rows
More nested tibbles! Let’s unnest()
the five_star_glmnet$.extracts
extracted %>%
five_star_glmnet ::select(id, .extracts) %>%
dplyrunnest(cols = .extracts)
extracted#> # A tibble: 1,500 × 6
#> id num_terms penalty mixture .extracts .config
#> <chr> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <list> <chr>
#> 1 Fold1 256 1 0.01 <tibble [100 × 2]> Preprocessor1_Model001
#> 2 Fold1 256 1 0.01 <tibble [100 × 2]> Preprocessor1_Model002
#> 3 Fold1 256 1 0.01 <tibble [100 × 2]> Preprocessor1_Model003
#> 4 Fold1 256 1 0.01 <tibble [100 × 2]> Preprocessor1_Model004
#> 5 Fold1 256 1 0.01 <tibble [100 × 2]> Preprocessor1_Model005
#> 6 Fold1 256 1 0.01 <tibble [100 × 2]> Preprocessor1_Model006
#> 7 Fold1 256 1 0.01 <tibble [100 × 2]> Preprocessor1_Model007
#> 8 Fold1 256 1 0.01 <tibble [100 × 2]> Preprocessor1_Model008
#> 9 Fold1 256 1 0.01 <tibble [100 × 2]> Preprocessor1_Model009
#> 10 Fold1 256 1 0.01 <tibble [100 × 2]> Preprocessor1_Model010
#> # ℹ 1,490 more rows
One thing to realize here is that tune_grid()
may not fit all of the models that are evaluated. In this case, for each value of mixture
and num_terms
, the model is fit over all penalty values (this is a feature of this particular model and is not generally true for other engines). To select the best parameter set, we can exclude the penalty
column in extracted
extracted %>%
extracted ::select(-penalty) %>%
dplyrinner_join(params, by = c("num_terms", "mixture")) %>%
# Now remove it from the final results
extracted#> # A tibble: 100 × 6
#> id num_terms mixture .extracts .config.x .config.y
#> <chr> <dbl> <dbl> <list> <chr> <chr>
#> 1 Fold1 4096 0.01 <tibble [100 × 2]> Preprocessor3_Model001 Preprocess…
#> 2 Fold1 4096 0.01 <tibble [100 × 2]> Preprocessor3_Model002 Preprocess…
#> 3 Fold1 4096 0.01 <tibble [100 × 2]> Preprocessor3_Model003 Preprocess…
#> 4 Fold1 4096 0.01 <tibble [100 × 2]> Preprocessor3_Model004 Preprocess…
#> 5 Fold1 4096 0.01 <tibble [100 × 2]> Preprocessor3_Model005 Preprocess…
#> 6 Fold1 4096 0.01 <tibble [100 × 2]> Preprocessor3_Model006 Preprocess…
#> 7 Fold1 4096 0.01 <tibble [100 × 2]> Preprocessor3_Model007 Preprocess…
#> 8 Fold1 4096 0.01 <tibble [100 × 2]> Preprocessor3_Model008 Preprocess…
#> 9 Fold1 4096 0.01 <tibble [100 × 2]> Preprocessor3_Model009 Preprocess…
#> 10 Fold1 4096 0.01 <tibble [100 × 2]> Preprocessor3_Model010 Preprocess…
#> # ℹ 90 more rows
Now we can get at the results that we want using another unnest()
extracted %>%
extracted unnest(col = .extracts) # <- these contain a `penalty` column
extracted#> # A tibble: 10,000 × 7
#> id num_terms mixture penalty num_vars .config.x .config.y
#> <chr> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <int> <chr> <chr>
#> 1 Fold1 4096 0.01 8.80 0 Preprocessor3_Model001 Preprocessor…
#> 2 Fold1 4096 0.01 8.40 2 Preprocessor3_Model001 Preprocessor…
#> 3 Fold1 4096 0.01 8.02 2 Preprocessor3_Model001 Preprocessor…
#> 4 Fold1 4096 0.01 7.66 2 Preprocessor3_Model001 Preprocessor…
#> 5 Fold1 4096 0.01 7.31 2 Preprocessor3_Model001 Preprocessor…
#> 6 Fold1 4096 0.01 6.98 3 Preprocessor3_Model001 Preprocessor…
#> 7 Fold1 4096 0.01 6.66 3 Preprocessor3_Model001 Preprocessor…
#> 8 Fold1 4096 0.01 6.36 6 Preprocessor3_Model001 Preprocessor…
#> 9 Fold1 4096 0.01 6.07 6 Preprocessor3_Model001 Preprocessor…
#> 10 Fold1 4096 0.01 5.79 7 Preprocessor3_Model001 Preprocessor…
#> # ℹ 9,990 more rows
Let’s look at a plot of these results (per resample):
ggplot(extracted, aes(x = penalty, y = num_vars)) +
geom_line(aes(group = id, col = id), alpha = .5) +
ylab("Number of retained predictors") +
scale_x_log10() +
ggtitle(paste("mixture = ", params$mixture, "and", params$num_terms, "features")) +
theme(legend.position = "none")
These results might help guide the choice of the penalty
range if more optimization was conducted.
Session information
#> ─ Session info ─────────────────────────────────────────────────────
#> version R version 4.4.2 (2024-10-31)
#> language (EN)
#> date 2025-03-25
#> pandoc 3.6.1
#> quarto 1.6.42
#> ─ Packages ─────────────────────────────────────────────────────────
#> package version date (UTC) source
#> broom 1.0.7 2024-09-26 CRAN (R 4.4.1)
#> dials 1.4.0 2025-02-13 CRAN (R 4.4.2)
#> dplyr 1.1.4 2023-11-17 CRAN (R 4.4.0)
#> ggplot2 3.5.1 2024-04-23 CRAN (R 4.4.0)
#> infer 1.0.7 2024-03-25 CRAN (R 4.4.0)
#> parsnip 1.3.1 2025-03-12 CRAN (R 4.4.1)
#> purrr 1.0.4 2025-02-05 CRAN (R 4.4.1)
#> recipes 2025-03-25 local
#> rlang 1.1.5 2025-01-17 CRAN (R 4.4.2)
#> rsample 1.2.1 2024-03-25 CRAN (R 4.4.0)
#> stopwords 2.3 2021-10-28 CRAN (R 4.4.0)
#> textrecipes 1.1.0 2025-03-18 CRAN (R 4.4.1)
#> tibble 3.2.1 2023-03-20 CRAN (R 4.4.0)
#> tidymodels 1.3.0 2025-02-21 CRAN (R 4.4.1)
#> tune 1.3.0 2025-02-21 CRAN (R 4.4.1)
#> workflows 1.2.0 2025-02-19 CRAN (R 4.4.1)
#> yardstick 1.3.2 2025-01-22 CRAN (R 4.4.1)
#> ────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────